TRAFS Expo 2014

พบกับซิคนิฟายได้ที่บู้ท SIPA Pavilion ในงาน Thailand Retail, Food, and Hospitality Service (TRAFS) Expo 2014
ณ อาคารแสดงสินค้าไบเทค บางนา Hall 102 วันที่ 24-27 กรกฎาคม 2557
Meet Signify at SIPA Pavilion Booth (Software Industry Promotion Agency) in Thailand Retail, Food, and Hospitality Service TRAFS) Expo 2014, BITEC Bang Na Hall 102, 24-27 July 2014
TRAFS is Thailand’s No.1 Food, Hospitality, and Retail Show. It is the best platform for manufacturers and distributors of food and drink equipment supplies and suppliers from throughout the world to meet around 30,000 target buyers from 50 countries. For more information, visit