CRM Integration with Cloud App

SignifyCRM Web Mobile Tablet
CRM Software Service Features

Chat Integration

Empowers Sales and Customer Service staff to chat with customers from Line Official Account (Line OA) and Facebook Fanpage, with centralized ability to manage timely response and business automation.

With customer profile auto-lookup, the staff can easily find out who the customer is, what sales and service transactions the customer had in the past, and therefore can greet and serve the customer with speed and accuracy.     In addition, chat transcript auto-email and analysis of chat conversation will enhance quality of services in your company.

CRM Line and Facebook Integration
CRM GoogleDrive Integration

Cloud Storage Integration

Upload multiple media files: photo, VDO, documents to SignifyCRM and synchronize such files to store at popular Cloud Storage: GoogleDrive and

With this new features, user can upload and display photo and VDO in CRM while enjoying wide range from 15GB to the unlimited storage capacity.

Google Integration

SignifyCRM also connects the popular Gmail and GoogleCalendar.   User can archive emails from Gmail to customer record inside the CRM.   User can also get Meeting Appointments from the CRM to show in GoogleCalendar and vice versa.

CRM Gmail Integration

Have questions?    Please contact our sales team at +66 2 863 6038.

Fast Implementation CRM